Welcome To Maritime Corner!
On this Web Site on page Download, you will find various files such as Tank Cleaning Matrix, STCW Guide, SIRE Vessel Inspection Questionare, ISGOT, LSA Code, Ship's handling, Marpol, Oil Record Book Filling Guide and much more for viewing and downloading, in relation with Deck Officer job, mainly on tankers. Downloading is absolutely free and safe.
On Page Shuttle Tanker you will find various rules, regulations, codes and instruction manuals such like K-Pos and all other stuff for DPO on Shuttle Tankers.
The Main Idea is to collect in one place all important things in order to save time for search in internet when you need. Let say, you need to re-validate you license and knowledge should be refreshed. So, just visit Maritime Corner and that all what you need.
On Blog page you will find latest news regarding Shuttle Tanker industry and other interesting news. On bottom on this page you can leave your comments if you have some.
Web Site just started not so long time ago and it will be continuously updated.
If you will notice, that some info is old, not latest revision and you know that new version is available, please contact me and I will try to update.